Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Test Outline for Nov 11th

Test Outline Nov 11th

1. Neglected Story: Yaakov’s Encounter with Paroah
  1. Pshat of Story בְּרֵאשִׁית מז:ז–י
  2. Questions and Challenges on Pshat
  3. Mepharshim (רש’’י, Rav Munk, רמב’’ן, Rav Hirsch, others answer said in class)
    1. Bio’s of Mepharshim(רש’’י, רמב’’ן,, Rav Hirsch - their names and what century and where they lived)
  4. Form an opinion answering our initial questions

2. Chosenness
  1. Rule of the first born
  2. The exceptions / trends in the Torah
  3. Avraham as the exception
  4. Explanation to non-Jewish friend about what it means to be chosen

3. Of course, included are:
  1. Class discussions, (ex: analysis of Yaakov’s life)
  2. Answers to questions on sheets
  3. Genealogy from Avraham -- Binyamin

Good Luck!!

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