Neglected Characters in Tanach: Mid-Year Unit Project
Presentations: Friday Dec 4th
Project Options:
Missing Storyline: Is there a part of the this character's story untold that you wish had been elaborated? A conversation that never occurred? A relationship that was not developed? This is your chance to write and perform just such a scene.
Essay: Write a formal essay (3-4 pages) in which you offer an insightful reading your neglected character. You will present the essence of your argument to the class.
Playlist assignment: Create a playlist for your neglected characters. Design an album cover with a unique title and image which represent this character’s internal landscape. Choose one song from the playlist and write an analysis of the lyrics which illustrates how this particular song relates to your chosen character.
Wild Card: A super-creative assignment of your own devising that shows your profound understanding of the character and can be shared with the class.
Choosing a Character: Choose one you’re interested in! Feel free to use your own resources. Make sure your content is substantial and interesting. Here are some of my favorite links:
Audio Shiurim YUTorah
Looking forward to your presentations and good luck!